Who Said It Leaderboard

  • The Hojnacke's: 13
  • My Three Sons: 9
  • Aurelia: 5
  • Barbra Moore 1
  • Charles and Kelly: 1
  • Everyone else: 0

Friday, July 31, 2009

Classified: Top Secret


Two cousins were discussing the exhorbitant living costs in the state of California:

Megan: It's a good thing your dad makes a lot of money.
Ashton (whose dad is a Major in the Army): Yes, he does make a lot.
Megan: How much does he make?
Ashton: I don't know, he won't tell me.
Megan: Oh yeah, in case the terrorists get you.
Ashton: Yeah, then they won't know how much he makes.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Who said it? #2

"My, What lovely elbows you have Miss Flannery!"

1 additional point if you can tell me which side of the family Miss Flannery's elbows came from.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Dr Who?

Things are scary right now with possible Health Care Reform looming on the horizon and no place is more scary than California. Which is why Noah and Catherine brought their family to Arizona this weekend! It seems that several of their kids had some warts that needed to be looked at. So of course they came to a professional: Dr Jason Scott. His first patient was a very nervous looking Adam. Dr Scott pulled out a pumice stone and started buffing Adam’s ankle. All of the Doctor’s interns (Andrew, Anthony, Megan, Ashton, Chloe) gathered around “oohing” and “ahhing”. Then with a casual “This might hurt”-- very reminiscent of the dentist saying “you might feel a little pinch” before jabbing a needle into your mouth at which point you have a sudden desire to punch someone and wonder if you learned the wrong definition of pinch back in grade school and just what else did you learned incorrectly—But I digress. Dr Scott laid the instrument of torture against Adam’s newly buffed and shiny wart and there was a moment of expectant silence before his eyes widened and he let out a strangled “Ow!”. Immediately, the doctor’s assistants began shouting encouragement: “Count to Twenty! Squeeze Daddy’s hand! It’s almost over! Be Brave!” And then amazingly it was over. About 8 heads all bent over to examine the now frozen section of his ankle.

Next it was Chloe’s turn. She had a very small wart on a finger and condescended to allow the Dr to examine it. Since this was no longer a novel experience, the Dr’s interns stopped paying attention and started discussing more important things like whether it was too late to go to the park. Then suddenly Chloe was done and was hopping up and down “It’s getting smaller! It’s getting Smaller! It’s gone!” Then holding her finger aloft she announced “I’m going to go put my finger in water” and swept out of the room while her two faithful attendants (Andrew and Anthony) followed adoringly behind.

That left Ashton and the two warts on her feet. She was very reluctant and had to be taunted about Adam’s manliness and threatened with visions of her toe being amputated at a later date before she finally agreed. She started by soaking her foot in a pan of vinegar (which she said “felt weird”). Then Dr Scott again intoned the dreaded words “This might hurt” and laying the pumice stone to her toe began scrubbing furiously. She promptly started giggling. “Does it hurt?” Megan asked. “No, it feels weird, sort of like a rug burn” at which point all the adults snorted and said “You’ve obviously never had a real rug burn”. She continued to be ticklish until her wart was exposed. Then the propane was applied. Again nothing happened for the first few seconds. Then “wow, that’s cold” followed by “How long is 40 seconds?” and finally “ow, ow, ow”. Ashton put a pillow over her head and Megan curled up into a ball and buried her head in a pillow too because she couldn’t bear to watch. But finally, a long tense moment and a few tears later, it was all over.

We’re still waiting for the lab results to come back but you’ll all be relieved to know the prognosis is good.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mmm Mmm Good!

Back in the old days (as my kids would say) we used to be able to come home for lunch during the school day. Mom had reached a stage where she was tired of cooking the same old things and was ready to experiment. I still remember some of the new recipes--many of which were surprisingly good. I remember pita bread with chicken, bean sprouts, and peaches of all things. At the tender age of 11 I couldn’t fathom that peaches and chicken would actually taste delicious together. Another combination I never would have considered was cheese and pineapple. Basic recipe: English Muffin with a pineapple slice and toasted cheese. Again, I was surprised at how good they tasted together.

But then again I also liked Bologna cooked in the microwave for 30 seconds. It would actually bubble up and form the shape of a toilet bowl plunger which the more I think about it, that image seems apropro. I actually cooked some bologna the other day in the microwave (I think I was trying to recapture my childhood) and it was disgusting!! I bet you didn't know that a stack of bologna when left behind the couch does not get moldy. It just gets hard as a rock. I know this because I have two boys.

So why am I suddenly remembering all of this? Well the kids have been home all summer and they are getting sick of the same old boring cold cereal and sandwiches that they eat day in and day out. They are also getting sick of the 110 degree weather. Megan Cosette (in keeping with her namesake) decided to experiment and figured she’d kill two birds with one stone.

The result? Cold cereal ice cubes!
The verdict? As tasty as micro-waved bologna!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Who said it?

I'm going to start doing a new thing every Monday. I'll quote someone and we'll see who can guess who said it! Maybe I'll even figure out how to put it on the side instead of as a normal post. We'll see. This week's who said it is:


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pure Machiavellian......

Megan has set a goal to read the dictionary: She wishes to improve her vocabulary so that she can be an excellent writer. Before you scoff, I should warn you that when Megan sets a goal she becomes very "Aurelian". This is a new vocabulary word (not yet in the dictionary). It means that if your older brothers and sisters can do it that you will do everything in your power to be able to do it sooner and better.

She frequently asks me about these new vocabulary words. Most recently, she asked me what Machiavellian means. Now I am the type of teacher who prefers to demostrate things rather than lecture. Many of you know that Jason has been looking for a job and sometimes I feel I need to provide extra motivation (always subtly though). I figured this would be a perfect opportunity to demonstrate Machiavellian strategies.

(Phase I) I started by showing Megan that she could find new songs to play on the violin besides the ones she learned in 6th grade. I opened the Children's songbook to "Follow The Prophet" (one of Jason's least favorite songs because of it's repetitive nature). Megan is of course a quick learner and a dedicated practicer. The following day Jason called me at work pleading with me to teach Megan something new. She'd been practicing for a full 45 minutes.

(Phase II) Andrew has also expressed an interest in learning to play the piano. I worked out a deal with him that he could start taking lessons when he starts 1st grade (one month). But first I figured I'd show him some basics. I sat him down and showed him Middle C and explained that he should practice finding Middle C and playing it. Naturally, Andrew practiced playing Middle C diligently for the next 10 minutes.

Did my Machiavellian tactics work? Jason called me yesterday to let me know he was on his way to a job interview.........

Monday, July 6, 2009

Getting Started

I have officially started a blog. If it's anything like my facebook account I won't be back for a month. sigh.....