Who Said It Leaderboard

  • The Hojnacke's: 13
  • My Three Sons: 9
  • Aurelia: 5
  • Barbra Moore 1
  • Charles and Kelly: 1
  • Everyone else: 0

Monday, April 11, 2011

Who said it #21

"Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!"


  1. The seagulls in Finding Nemo. hahahaha

  2. Darnit! I'm just not quick enough. Although I would like to point out that children everywhere have made this quote their own......

  3. I wasn't really sure that was really who said it.

  4. It was indeed the seagulls in Finding Nemo. I had to get Andrew's glasses fixed over the weekend and they were showing the movie in the waiting room at the Eye Doctor. I forgot how funny that movie is. I remember the first time I heard the seagulls saying "mine mine mine" I laughed my head off. I lived with seagulls in Utah for years and that is sooooo how they were if you tossed a piece of bread to them.

    Leaderboard updated
