Who Said It Leaderboard

  • The Hojnacke's: 13
  • My Three Sons: 9
  • Aurelia: 5
  • Barbra Moore 1
  • Charles and Kelly: 1
  • Everyone else: 0

Monday, August 17, 2009

Who said it? #5

"If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding.
How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?"


  1. Pink Floyd song. Is THE WALL a movie or a glorified music video? Either way, those guys were creeps.....they were the original emo, ahahahaha!

  2. Pink Floyd. I've been gone, so I couldn't get on here earlier, or I so would've had this one.

  3. I never said I was only going to quote movies...my quotes could come from books, songs, movies, etc. I've never actually seen the video to this song. I'm actually scared to see it now.

    Leaderboard has been updated.
