Who Said It Leaderboard

  • The Hojnacke's: 13
  • My Three Sons: 9
  • Aurelia: 5
  • Barbra Moore 1
  • Charles and Kelly: 1
  • Everyone else: 0

Monday, January 17, 2011

Who Said It #14

Went away? "I dwell in darkness without you" and it *went away*?


  1. I know, I know!! Madmartigan, in Willow. Oh how I love it. Wasn't that when the girl kissed him and then didn't like him anymore because it was just the love potion (or something like that). Oh how I love that movie.

  2. Oh, and you have to do these more often. It's so much fun!

  3. Actually it was not Madmartigan. But you are close. so close!

  4. Oh, it was the girl! Sorsha or something. I got it mixed up. The little brownie or whatever it is gave him the love potion, not her.
